Good for health ( GFH) concepts is catching up with all major food manufacturers .Demand for healthier food is increasing rapidly . This trend is evident on international food market also where all big food companies have launched Health and Wellness ( H& W) products .Companies like Kraft , Nestle , Kellogg's , Danone , Unilever all have initiated drive for low fat , low sugar and low salt products . Others product like Organic food products are also launched .Consumers are willing to pay more for such products.Fortified products are those products where few additives are added to enhance products nutritional properties e.g. iodized salts , Fortified digestive biscuits or biscuits with vitamins and fibres.
Indian Health and Wellness market has responded to consumer demands with launch of new product. Indian food habits such as natural and fresh foods is advantageous for such products .
Tata chemicals have launched low sodium salt "'Tata lite"" salt apart from its popular iodized salt .
Ankur has double fortified salt
Britannia has launched "' zero trans fat "" biscuits and"' 5 grain "'digestive biscuits
Amul has launched ""Amul Lite "' butter spread for low fat and low cholesterol consumption
Amul has also launched low sugar, pro biotic ice cream for diabetic patients . Also bread spreads .
Marico with "'Safola"' brands has launced many low fat , low cholosetrol products edible oil
Agrotech " Sundrop" also claims low cholosterol content in its edible oil with brands like Superlite and Nutrilite .
Danone and Nestle have launched probiotic yogurts in Indian market .
Other food manufacturers would definetly take note of these developments and come up with their own Health and Wellness product s.
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