With lots of enquiries and searches for major brands of biscuit in India, we checked from market and their portals to list few of them . Find few major brands of biscuit in India .The Majors brands are from Britannia , Parle , ITC foods , Surya Foods
Britannia s
Good Day,Tiger,Marie Gold,50- 50,Choco -chips,Choco - nuts,Little Heart,Nutri Choice,Bourbon
Nice Time,Pure Magic,Milk Bikis,Jim -Jam,Cream Treats,Time Pass,Digestive
Parle G ,krack Jack,Monaco,Hide n Seek,Magix,Kreames,20 -20,Nimkin,Chox,Digestive,Marie,
Milk Shakti
Milky magic,Marie,Golden Bakery,Dark Fantasy,Glucose,Dream Cream,Snacky,Sweet n Salt,Nice,Vita,Special
Surya Foods ( PRIYA GOLD )
Butter Bite,Classic cream,Kids Cream,Bourbon,Marie Lite,Big Boss ,Magic Gold,CNC,Cheese Cracker,Snacks Zig Zag,Don,Coconut Crunch,Cheez Bit,Chat Patta
Britannia s
Good Day,Tiger,Marie Gold,50- 50,Choco -chips,Choco - nuts,Little Heart,Nutri Choice,Bourbon
Nice Time,Pure Magic,Milk Bikis,Jim -Jam,Cream Treats,Time Pass,Digestive
Parle G ,krack Jack,Monaco,Hide n Seek,Magix,Kreames,20 -20,Nimkin,Chox,Digestive,Marie,
Milk Shakti
Milky magic,Marie,Golden Bakery,Dark Fantasy,Glucose,Dream Cream,Snacky,Sweet n Salt,Nice,Vita,Special
Surya Foods ( PRIYA GOLD )
Butter Bite,Classic cream,Kids Cream,Bourbon,Marie Lite,Big Boss ,Magic Gold,CNC,Cheese Cracker,Snacks Zig Zag,Don,Coconut Crunch,Cheez Bit,Chat Patta
Anmol is the only Indian Biscuit Brand whose name is mentioned among those at the top in India. In a market captured by overseas brands, Anmol is the sole manufacturer to command prominence among the Biscuit lovers in India.