Dabur, KRBL and Vippy have emerged as the top green companies, while Nestle, PepsiCo, Haldiram's and Hindustan Unilever Ltd, among others, have faired poorly in the recently released Safe Food Guide (version two) by Greenpeace, a non-profit organisation.
The Safe Food Guide ranks 25 of the most popular food companies in India according to their policy on genetically-modified (GM) foods. Based on their responsibility towards Indian consumers on the GM food issue, the guide categorises companies as 'green', 'yellow' and 'red'.
The green list, in fact, has only three companies: Dabur India, KRBL Ltd and Vippy Industries Ltd. These companies, Greenpeace says, have not only taken necessary steps to ensure that they remain GM-free now and in future, but also are ready to engage with the government and relevant industry associations to keep the Indian food market free from GM food.
The yellow list includes popular brands such as Cadbury, ITC, Ruchi Soya, LT Foods, Heinz India, Bambino Agro and Kohinoor Foods Ltd, which have said that that they are committed to sourcing ingredients that are GMO-free, but are yet to take a long-term position on being GM-free or share their position with consumers.
The red list includes companies such as Nestlé, PepsiCo, Cargill, Hindustan Unilever Ltd, Britannia, Godrej Hersheys Ltd, Haldiram's, MTR, Parle Biscuits, Agro Tech Foods, Surya Foods, Amul, GSK, FieldFresh (Bharti Enterprises) and Kellogg's. These companies have not taken any concrete steps to provide Indian consumers with GM-free food for now or in future, thereby being irresponsible
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