Dietary supplements, which are currently not in the purview of any food law, will be brought under the Food Safety and Standards (FSS) Act 2006. The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) will implement the law through the sate governments, municipalities and panchayats.
At a recent seminar held in Ahmedabad, FSSAI chairperson P I Suvtharan said that the “nutraceuticals, which also include functional foods” would be covered under the Act. A notification to this effect will be issued in a couple of months.
Source : express news service
FSSAI, which was established under the FSS Act, has been entrusted with the task of laying down science-based standards for food items. Dietary supplements for losing and gaining weight, and health improvements have flooded the Rs 4,500-crore nutraceutical market in the country.
Until recently, these food items were imported. But now, some local dairies have started making nutraceutical products. “As awareness about health is increasing with the rising income levels, more people are using functional foods. Since it is related to the health of public at large, there is a need to keep a check on the content of these foods,” said Suvtharan